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Bækkeskov 1947


Since 1915, the small farm Bækkeskov has been located outside Rø in the direction of Gudhjem on northeast Bornholm. With a view of the Baltic Sea, with Christiansø in sight, and with fields bordering the watercourse Vasebæk. The place has not been run as an agricultural place for the past many years, but at our takeover in the autumn of 2018, we began a targeted process towards an ecological and sustainable care and cultivation of the lands around Bækkeskov. We call ourselves Rø Jordbrug. As a collective term for all the processes, we work uncompromisingly, for the lands around Bækkeskov, for the animals that are active players in the circular way of thinking, and for our activities that bind it all together, also for a local purpose.

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© 2019 - Rø Jordbrug - Bornholm

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